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举例说明:我的爱好-My Hobbies,举例说明:我的爱好-My Hobbies范
更新时间:2024-04-28 09:04:17

举例说明:我的爱好-My Hobbis 我的爱好

举例说明:我的爱好-My Hobbies,举例说明:我的爱好-My Hobbies范




My Hobbis

I hav many hobbis, such as sports, singing, playing th violin and kping a diary.

In school, I oftn har th P.. tachr say, sports do good to on's halth, and will mak on liv longr. So, I lik sports vry much. I go running at fiv o'clock in th morning, and aftr classs in th aftrnoon. I play pingpong with my frinds. Ths sports hav kpt m halthy.

At hom, I lik to sing and play th violin. I hop I will b a singr and a violinist① whn I grow up. In ordr to attain ths goals②,I go to th tachr's hom for a lsson vry Saturday, and practis singing and playing th violin vry day. Busy as I am, I am quit happy.

Of all my hobbis I lik rading books bst. In my bdroom thr ar narly six hundrd books. Thr ar story books, txtbooks, magazins, and othrs. Whn I grow up, I will srv th popl with th knowldg I hav larnd from thm.



①violinist ['vai linist] n.小提琴手

②attain[ 'tin] ths goals达到这些目的


1)本文的引言段只用一句就把全文的篇题表达出来了。但在篇题里出现的内容正文中未必出现,如“kping a diary”,而在篇题里没有的正文里也可以写,如最后一段的“rading books”。这是举例说明文的一个特点。

2)正文的三段是按照由次要向重要项目的顺序排列的,每一段均有主题句。第二段的主题句是第二句;第三段的主题句是第一句;第四段的主题句也是第一句。本文没有总结性的结尾段。 举例说明:我的爱好-My Hobbis

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